The Rope. MacGuffin magazine explores the stories & uses of one single object at a time

A biannual craft & design magazine that explores the life of ordinary things...
'Like the MacGuffins in Hitchcock films, these things are not the main characters, but the plot devices that set the story in motion.'

In a nutshell, MacGuffin looks good, reads well and even feels great. One of those magazines that you want to keep forever and revisit over and over again. Their concept is simple: to choose ordinary things and to delve into the many stories & uses one single object might have; 'uncovering the personal and sometimes curious relationships we have with the stuff that surrounds us.'

The objects chosen to make up the four existing issues are completely random. Take the sink, the rope, the window & the bed, four random objects that have no obvious common thread interlinking them. But that's not the point. The beauty of MacGuffin is its intention to celebrate the lesser thought about things for no particular reason; the stuff that is often overlooked yet has infinite stories and uses in life. They cover just about all possible angles of the object, giving a rather unremarkable thing a new lease of life.

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