Nature notes February

The crisp quiet month of February, the shortest month, when hibernation is coming to an end and spring slowly starts to herald in the promise of the new.
Little pearl white bells, lightly flecked with green are the first to ring out that change is in the air.
Breathe in deep, revive body and nourish mind while walking around the fields and ancient woodlands that surround fforest. We can see the shape of the trees without their cloak of leaves, showing off fluffy lichen and moss, like down covering their branches. New growth is beginning to bud and bulge. 

As winter begins to show signs of coming to an end, here are 10 early spring risers we can expect to find:

Snow drop   
Hazel catkin
Willow catkin
Gorse flower
Young nettle just beginning to push through
Pussy willow
Penny wort on the slate walls, the young leaves perfect for eating now too

To read more about signs of Spring buy 'Spring: An anthology for the changing seasons by Melissa Harrison for the National trust' here. 


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